Crowning Ignorant Kings: The Kingdom Key of Confession: Wielding the Weapon of God's Spoken Word (Book 3)
Digital downloadThere is absolute power in the written Word of God. Can you imagine this power intended to be wielded as a sword from the mouth of a believer, (Kingdom Citizen)? God needs you to speak His Words, not just back to Him, but also to the enemy!
Crowning Ignorant Kings: The Kingdom Key of Fasting: Unlocking God's Supernatural Power in Your Mind, Body, and Spirit (Book 4)
Digital downloadFasting is often used in several disciplines. Using this practice according to God's word, for both Spiritual and Natural benefits is a must for every person, whether a believer, (a Citizen of the Kingdom of God) or not.
Life Skills Analysis
CourseTo discover something means that it already exists, you just have to know where to look. Finding your life purpose is as simple as looking inside yourself. We have made this process more difficult than it should be. Let us help you to find your way.